- Admission Helpline No.: 7605050242 / 7605050243
The final year students are asked to register with placement cell, those who are interested in placement opportunity provided by the institution. Based on the student’s registration, final stream wise students’ database is being made and this database is also circulated among the companies as per the requirement of the company into their prescribed format/criterion.
Our Placement Cell has been able to create an extensive database of all the potential recruiting companies along with their contact details. Over the past year, the cell has been successful in establishing initial contact with more than fifty companies. This has definitely increased awareness among the companies about Seacom Engineering College. In fact, those companies that have not been able to recruit from our college this year will surely consider Seacom Engineering College an effective option in the following years.
Initially, the companies are invited to take part in the recruitment drive. Interested companies respond and come to college for recruitment. Intending students register themselves for an interview.
The interview process usually starts with a PowerPoint Presentation where the company enlightens the students about their company profile. The interview session, which usually comprises of a written test followed by group discussion, technical as well as personal interview.
In the present scenario, most of the companies are conducting placement drives through virtual platforms.